Have you been thinking of going abroad to pursue higher education? You may have done many kinds of research on finding the right abroad study program, college or university. And you may have finalised a program and a university. Now you will be stuck with certain doubts regarding the financing. Don’t worry there are many ways to pay for your abroad college program.
- International Student Aid
- Scholarships
- Employment
- Enrol early
- Consult Study abroad consultants in cochin
- International Student Aid
Aspiring students have financial aid and student loan programs to support their abroad studies. Public as well as private universities offer financial support to attend the study program. Financial aid is granted on the basis of merit and need. Merit-based funding is given by evaluating talents, and abilities. Need-based is given by evaluating the financial situation.
How to find international financial aid:
- Once you select the study program and university, research well on available aid options.
- Check the financial aid and student loan programs with the government of your selected country.
- Visit the Study abroad consultants in cochin, financial aid office, and foreign language departments to ask about potential funding sources.
Scholarships for international students are easily available from different sources. Scholarships give students some relief even though it does not cover the entire cost of your studies. Scholarships for international students include need-based aid, scholarships for achievement, or scholarships and grants based on diversity or other factors.
University-funded International Scholarships
- Gates Cambridge Scholarships ( UK)
- Clarendon Scholarships at University of Oxford ( UK)
- Knight-Hennessy Scholars at Stanford University
- Schwarzman Scholars program at Tsinghua university
Part-time working is very common among students studying abroad, as it helps you to pay for college. In some countries, like Italy, Costa Rica, China, and the US, it is very difficult to work while studying as the laws are very strict and complicated.
Top six countries where you can actually work while studying,
- United Kingdom
- France
- Sweden
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Consult Study abroad consultants in cochin
Applying early is another great option to lessen the cost of overseas education. Starting early could give you some advantages like you et more time to apply for scholarships, find affordable accommodation, etc.
Consulting Study abroad consultants in cochin is a must when it comes to overseas education. They will guide you from choosing the right study program, college, university to find financial aid. So if you are planning to get enrolled in a university consult the Best Study Abroad Consultants in Kochi.