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Overseas Education Consultants Kochi | Study In France

Quick Bites:
Flag of France
  • Capital: Paris
  • Language: French , English
  • Currency: Eurp
  • HDI:
  • Type of University:
  • No of Universities: 80
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January and September

Language tests accepted

About France

France is situated in Western Europe and borders Belgium to the North East, Luxembourg and Germany in the East as well as with Switzerland, Italy to the South East. It is popular as the most interesting city in the world. For those looking to study in France, the country offers a rich cultural and historical backdrop, making it one of the most interesting destinations in the world. The highest mountain in France is the Mont Blanc, and situated at the border between Italy and France. Paris is the capital and the largest city of France having museums and monuments. It is the commercial center and main cultural spot of France The population of France is 66.6 million. Euro is the official currency.

French is the national and official language and the second main language used in Europe. It has a developed and mixed economy and stands as the fourth wealthiest country globally. According to World Trade Organization in 2009 it was the words’s sixth exporter. It follow a civil legal system and its law is divided into two main streams – private and public law. France is a materialistic country and pursue Catholicism religion for more than a millennium. Higher education in France is divided between Public and prestigious universities. Higher education is financed by the state, the fees are very low and Campus world is one of the best study in France Consultants in Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala to accomplish your dream to study in France.

Want to study in France? contact us,  Campus World – overseas education consultants Kochi

Why study in France

Each year, almost 130,000 young people from all over the world come to France to study. They choose France to study. They choose France because of its high level of cultural and technological development, its modernity and also because of the quality of life France offers, the richness of its heritage, the French language and, especially, Frances reputation in the field of higher education.

Still today, France holds a prominent position in the field of math and sciences (mathematics, astrophysics, biology, medicine, genetics, physics) with such key figures as Georges CharpakPierre Gilles de Gennes and Luc Montagnier. Over the past ninety years, the French scientific community has been awarded twenty-six Nobel prizes. The French government finance 50% of scientific research. The large public research institutions (the National for Agronomical Research) admit many foreign students and high-level researchers each year.

  • Quality and Accessibility of its University System

French higher education has a long tradition of openness and accessibility. No distinction is made between French and international students-under French law, the requirements for admission are the same, as are the degrees awarded.

  • Quality of Frances cultural, economic, and social life

One big benefit of studying in France is the opportunity to live in the place that invented savoir-vivre-the art of living well. In France you’ll have access to a multitude of athletic, touristic, and cultural activities- all at special student prices, Most of Frances institutions of higher education are located in city centres, close to cultural and social life. Museums, libraries, cinemas, theatres, and cafes are rarely very far away.

Want to study in France? contact us,  Campus World – overseas education consultants Kochi

Universities and colleges in France

Not sure which college to choose? Contact us, Campus World – one of the best overseas education consultants Kochi for France.

Université Claude Bernard Lyon I-Villeurbanne
2 École Normale Supérieure-Paris
3 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne-Paris
4 Université Paris Descartes-Paris
Université Paris Sud – Paris 11-Orsay …
6 Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis-St-Denis …
7 Université de Caen Basse-Normandie-Caen
8 Université de Poitiers-Poitiers
9 Université Montpellier 2-Montpellier
10 Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris
11 Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3-Paris
12 Université dAngers-Angers
13 Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon-Lyon
14 École Centrale Paris-Châtenay-Malabry
15 École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales-Paris
16 École Normale Supérieure de Cachan-Cachan
17 Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis-Nice
18 Université de Rennes 1-Rennes …
19 Université Lumiere Lyon II-Lyon
20 Université Joseph Fourier-Grenoble
21 Université de Nantes-Nantes …
22 École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales-Jouy-en-Josas
23 Université Lille 1-Villeneuve-dAscq
24 Université Paris Dauphine-Paris
25 Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense-Nanterre
26 Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée-Marne-la-Vallée
27 Université Paris 13-Villetaneuse
28 Université François Rabelais-Tours
29 Université de Technologie de Compiegne-Compiegne
30 Université de Rouen-Mont-Saint-Aignan
31 Université de Bourgogne-Dijon
32 Université Bordeaux I-Talence
33 École Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales-Cergy Pontoise
34 Université de Franche-Comté-Besançon
35 École Centrale de Lyon-Ecully
36 Université Lille 3-Villeneuve-dAscq
37 Université Lille 2-Lille
38 Université de Picardie Jules Verne-Amiens
39 Université de Toulouse II – Le Mirail-Toulouse
40 Université de Limoges-Limoges
41 Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines-Versailles
42 Université Jean Moulin Lyon III-Lyon
43 Université de Savoie-Chambéry …
44 Université Paris Diderot-Paris
45 Université de Strasbourg-Strasbourg
46 Université Henri Poincaré-Nancy …
47 Université de Pau et des Pays de lAdour-Pau …
48 Université Pierre Mendès-France-Grenoble
49 Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II-Paris
50 Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne-Reims
51 Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II-Clermont Ferrand …
52 Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3-Montpellier
53 Université du Maine-Le Mans
54 Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine-Vandoeuvre les Nancy
55 Université Nancy 2-Nancy
56 Université Paris-Sorbonne-Paris
57 Université de Bretagne Occidentale-Brest
58 Université dOrléans-Orléans
59 Université du Sud Toulon-Var-La Garde …
60 Université de Perpignan Via Domitia-Perpignan
61 École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de lInformation et des Bibliothèques-Villeurbanne
62 Université Paul Verlaine – Metz-Metz
63 Université Montpellier 1-Montpellier
64 ESCP Europe-Paris …
65 EMLYON Business School-Lyon
66 Université dAvignon et des pays de Vaucluse-Avignon
67 Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble-Grenoble …
68 Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne-Créteil
69 Université de Cergy-Pontoise-Cergy Pontoise
70 TELECOM ParisTech-Paris …
71 École Supérieure dElectricité-Gif-sur-Yvette …
72 École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de St-Etienne-Saint-Étienne
73 Université de Haute-Alsace-Mulhouse …
74 Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3-Pessac …
75 Université Jean Monnet-Saint-Étienne
76 École des Ponts ParisTech-Champs sur Marne …
77 École Nationale Vétérinaire dAlfort-Maisons-Alfort
78 Université Rennes 2-Rennes
79 École centrale de Lille-Lille
80 Université du Littoral Cote dOpale-Dunkerque …
81 Université dÉvry-Val dEssonne-Evry
82 Université dAuvergne-Clermont Ferrand …
83 École Polytechnique-Palaiseau
84 BEM Bordeaux Management School-Bordeaux
85 Institut dEtudes Politiques de Paris-Paris …
86 Université Stendhal Grenoble 3-Grenoble
87 École Nationale dAdministration-Strasbourg
88 Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen-Saint Etienne du Rouvray
89 Université dArtois-Arras …
90 École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique-Rennes
91 ESPCI ParisTech-Paris
92 Université de Corse Pascal Paoli-Corte
93 École Supérieure dIngénieurs en Électronique et Électrotechnique-Noisy-le-Grand
94 Université de Technologie de Troyes-Troyes
95 École Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse-Toulouse …
96 Institut Catholique de Paris-Paris
97 Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard-Belfort …
98 École Centrale de Nantes-Nantes
99 Reims Management School-Reims
100 AgroParisTech-Paris …
101 École Nationale Supérieure dIngénieurs de Caen-Caen
102 École des Mines dAlbi-Carmaux-Albi
103 Université Catholique de lOuest-Angers
104 Grenoble École de Management-Grenoble …
105 École Nationale de lAviation Civile-Toulouse
106 École pour lInformatique et les Techniques Avancées-Le Kremlin-Bicêtre …
107 Télécom Bretagne-Brest …
108 École Supérieure dInformatique, Electronique, Automatique-Paris
109 Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV-Pessac
110 Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis-Valenciennes …
111 Université de Bretagne Sud-Lorient …
112 École dingénieurs des Technologies de linformation et de la Communication-Villejuif
113 The American University of Paris-Paris
114 Université du Havre-Le Havre
115 École Normale Supérieure de Lyon-Lyon
116 Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse-Toulouse
117 Euromed Management-Marseille …
118 Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse-Toulouse
119 ECE Paris Ecole dIngénieurs-Paris
120 LÉcole de design Nantes Atlantique-Nantes …
121 Audencia Nantes School of Management-Nantes
122 SKEMA Business School-Lille …
123 Rouen Business School-Rouen
124 Université de la Rochelle-La Rochelle
125 École Supérieure de Chimie, Physique, Electronique de Lyon-Villeurbanne
126 ENSTA ParisTech-Paris
127 Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Strasbourg-Strasbourg
128 École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales dAngers-Angers …
129 École de Management de Normandie-Le Havre …
130 Groupe Sup de Co Amiens Picardie-Amiens
131 École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse-Toulouse
132 Université de Nîmes-Nîmes
133 Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes-Rennes
134 MINES ParisTech-Paris
135 Montpellier SupAgro-Montpellier
136 École Supérieure de Commerce et Management-Futuroscope
137 École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de lInformation-Cergy Pontoise …
138 Université Catholique de Lille-Lille …
139 Université Catholique de Lyon-Lyon
140 École Supérieure de Commerce de Dijon-Dijon
141 Institut Supérieur de lAéronautique et de lEspace-Toulouse
142 ENSAE ParisTech-Malakoff
143 École Centrale de Marseille-Marseille
144 École Nationale Supérieure de lElectronique et de ses Applications-Cergy Pontoise
145 École Supérieure dElectronique de lOuest-Angers
146 Agrocampus Ouest-Rennes
147 École Supérieure de Commerce de Clermont-Clermont Ferrand
148 Centre Universitaire Jean-François Champollion-Albi …
149 École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et dAérotechnique-Futuroscope
150 École Nationale dIngénieurs de Metz-Metz
151 Institut Supérieur dÉlectronique de Paris-Paris
152 Institut dOptique Graduate School-Palaiseau …
153 École Nationale dIngénieurs de Brest-Plouzané
154 EPF École dIngénieurs-Sceaux
155 Groupe ICAM – Institut Catholiques dArts et Métiers-Lille …
156 Institut Supérieur dÉlectronique et du Numérique-Lille
157 École Supérieure dAgriculture dAngers-Angers
158 ESME Sudria-Ivry sur Seine
159 Chimie ParisTech-Paris
160 École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne-Brest
161 Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier-Montpellier
162 Groupe ICN École de Management-Nancy …
163 École Supérieure de Commerce de Saint-Etienne-Saint-Étienne
164 École Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de lIndustrie-Paris
165 École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées-Bidart
166 École Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile-Levallois-Perret …
167 École Nationale des Travaux Publics de lEtat-Vaulx-en-Velin
168 École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse-Toulouse …
169 École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles-Roubaix
170 TELECOM Lille 1-Villeneuve dAscq
171 Ecole Catholique dArts et Métiers-Lyon
172 Institut Supérieur dAgriculture et dAgroalimentaire Rhone-Alpes-Lyon
173 École des Mines de Nantes-Nantes
174 École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier-Montpellier
175 École Nationale dIngénieurs de Tarbes-Tarbes
176 École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes-Rennes
177 École des Hautes Etudes Industrielles-Lille
178 École Supérieure dIngénieurs en Génie Electrique-Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray …
179 École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille-Villeneuve-dAscq …
180 École Nationale Supérieure dInformatique pour lIndustrie et lEntreprise-Evry
181 École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris-Paris
182 Institut Français de Mécanique Avancée-Clermont-Ferrand
183 Arts et Métiers ParisTech-Paris …
184 École Supérieure de Commerce de Pau-Pau
185 Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais-Beauvais
186 Supméca – Institut supérieur de mécanique de Paris-Saint-Ouen
187 École Nationale dIngénieurs de Saint-Etienne-Saint-Étienne
188 École Nationale dIngénieurs des Travaux Agricoles de Bordeaux-Gradignan
189 EDHEC Business School-Roubaix …
190 École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques-Marne-la-Vallée …
191 Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse IIIToulouse
192 VetAgro Sup-Lyon …
193 École des Mines dAlès-Alès
194 École Nationale Supérieure dIngénieurs de Bourges-Bourges
195 ESC Bretagne Brest-Brest …
196 École Supérieure Angevine dInformatique et de Productique-Angers …
197 École Nationale Supérieure dArchitecture de Nancy-Nancy
198 École dIngénieurs en Génie des Systèmes Industriels-La Rochelle
199 Esitpa, École dIngénieurs en Agriculture-Mont-Saint-Aignan
200 Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées-Ivry sur Seine …
201 École Nationale de la Météorologie-Toulouse
202 École Nationale de la Statistique et de lAnalyse de linformation-Bruz …
203 École Supérieure dIngenieurs en Informatique et Génie des Télécommunications-Fontainebleau
204 TELECOM & Management SudParis-Evry
205 TELECOM École de Management-Evry
206 Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de lalimentation de Nantes-Atlantique-Nantes
207 École des Mines de Douai-Douai
208 École Nationale Supérieure de Mécaniques et des Microtechniques-Besançon
209 Université Bordeaux Segalen-Bordeaux
210 Groupe ISA-Lille
211 Aix-Marseille Université-Marseille
212 Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux-Pessac
213 École Supérieure de Chimie Organique et Minérale-Compiègne
214 Institut Textile et Chimique de Lyon-Lyon
215 École Supérieure de Commerce de Chambéry-Le Bourget-du-Lac
216 École Nationale Supérieure de Céramique Industrielle-Limoges
217 École Supérieure dIngénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Caen-Epron
218 3iL Ecole dingénieurs-Limoges
219 IFP School-Rueil-Malmaison
220 École dIngénieurs de Purpan-Toulouse
221 École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand-Clermont-Ferrand
222 École Nationale Supérieure de la Nature et du Paysage-Blois
223 École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie et de Physique de Bordeaux-Bordeaux
224 École dÉlectricité, de Production et des Méthodes Industrielles-Cergy
225 Institut Supérieur des Matériaux et Mécaniques Avancés du Mans-Le Mans
226 Institut Catholique de Toulouse-Toulouse
227 École des Métiers de lEnvironnement-Bruz
228 École Supérieure du Bois-Nantes
229 École Nationale dIngénieurs du Val de Loire-Blois
230 École Louis de Broglie-Bruz
231 École de Biologie Industrielle-Cergy
232 EIL Côte dOpale-Longuenesse
233 Université Toulouse I Capitole-Toulouse
234 École Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge-Sèvres
235 Institut Supérieur du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics-Marseille
236 Campus Adventiste du Salève-Collonges-sous-Saleve
237 École Supérieure dIngénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Cachan-Cachan
238 École Supérieure dIngénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Metz-Metz
239 École Supérieure dAgro-développement International-Cergy Pontoise
240 École Supérieure dIngénieurs Léonard de Vinci-Paris


Not sure which college to choose? Contact us, Campus World – one of the best Study Abroad Consultants in Kerala for France

Want to study in France? contact us,  Campus World 

Student Visa Requirements

Need assistance for visa? Speak with us, Campus World – The best overseas  education consultants Kochi for France.

There are three kinds of student visas available, depending upon the length of studies in France as indicated in the letter of enrollment:

• A Schengen visa, multiple entries, for a stay up to 3 months: the student should use the short stay visa application form

• The temporary long stay visa (from 3 to 6 months), multiple entries, is valid for the whole stay. The student does not need a residency card. The student uses the long term visa application form

• One year-visa (stay over 6 months): the visa is valid 3 months, 1 entry. The student should use the long term visa application form. Within this delay, and after the arrival in France, the students must complete the proper documentation with the French school or university; have to go for a medical check-up to a doctor from the “Office des Migrations Internationales”. Then they should contact the “Prefecture de police” in order to obtain the student residency card (carte de sejour) and present there the visa, the original documents previously required for the visa, a birth certificate and the medical results.

Requirements for a student visa

You will need to furnish the original and one copy of:

• A proof of studies in the USA (letter from the school or university)
• A letter of admission from the school which the applicant plans to attend to in France
• Financial guarantee such as a notarized statement certifying that the applicant will be provided with a monthly allowance of $600.00 for the duration of his/her stay in France, or a proof of personal income along with a letter from school stating that room, board, and tuition are fully prepaid (+ 1 copy). If the host provides the student with a letter attesting that the lodging will be free of charges, and a copy of his/her pictured I.D., an allowance of $400.00 will be accepted. (Be sure to check on these money minimums, as they can change)


Need assistance with a visa? Speak with us, Campus World – The best overseas education consultants in Kochi for France.

Want to study in France? contact us,  Campus World overseas education consultants in Kochi for France

Why study in France

Each year, almost 130,000 young people from all over the world come to France to study. They choose France to study. They choose France because of its high level of cultural and technological development, its modernity and also because of the quality of life France offers, the richness of its heritage, the French language and, especially, Frances reputation in the field of higher education.

Still today, France holds a prominent position in the field of math and sciences (mathematics, astrophysics, biology, medicine, genetics, physics) with such key figures as Georges CharpakPierre Gilles de Gennes and Luc Montagnier. Over the past ninety years, the French scientific community has been awarded twenty-six Nobel prizes. The French government finance 50% of scientific research. The large public research institutions (the National for Agronomical Research) admit many foreign students and high-level researchers each year.

  • Quality and Accessibility of its University System

French higher education has a long tradition of openness and accessibility. No distinction is made between French and international students-under French law, the requirements for admission are the same, as are the degrees awarded.

  • Quality of Frances cultural, economic, and social life

One big benefit of studying in France is the opportunity to live in the place that invented savoir-vivre-the art of living well. In France you’ll have access to a multitude of athletic, touristic, and cultural activities- all at special student prices, Most of Frances institutions of higher education are located in city centres, close to cultural and social life. Museums, libraries, cinemas, theatres, and cafes are rarely very far away.

Want to study in France? contact us,  Campus World 

Embassy in india

France Embassy , India 2/50-E Shantipath – Chanakyapuri
New Delhi
110 021
Phone: +91-11-43-19-6100
Fax: +91-11-43-19-6169
Website URL:

Consulate of France in Bangalore, India
21, Palace Road – Vasanthnagar
560 052
Phone: 91] 80 22 14 12 00
Fax: 91] 80 22 14 12 01
Website URL:

France Consulate , India
Wockhardt Towers, East Wing, 5ème étage Bandra
Kurla Complex 400051 MUMBAI
400 026
Phone: +91-22-66-69-4000
Fax: +91-22-66-69-4066
Website URL:

Consulate of France in Calcutta, India
21C, Raja Santosh Road
700 027
Phone: +91-0-33-4016-3200
Fax: +91-0-33-4016-3201
Website URL:

Consulate of France in Pondichéry, India
2 rue de la Marine
605 001
Phone: +91-413-223-1000
Fax: +91-413-223-1001
Website URL:

Useful Links

General Information:

– Official Profile of France (En)

– Maison de la France (Fr)


– The French Parliament (En)

– Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry (Fr)

– Ministry of Foreign Affairs (En)

– Invest in France Agency (En)

– The French Customs (En)

– French civil service organization (En)

– The Government portal (En)

-The French Legislation (Fr/En)

– Business Start-up agency (En)

Trade Organizations & Associations:

– Assembly of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (En)

– The French Business Confederation (Fr)

– The French association of the software and computing services companies (Fr)

– The French Telecommunications and Posts Regulator (En)

– The French stock exchange,3766,1732,00.html (En)

– Chamber of Commerce France Israel (Fr/En)

– The economic and commercial dep. of the French embassy in Israel (Fr)

Figure & Statistics:

– France Central Bank (En)

– National institute of statistics (En)

R & D:

– The French agency for innovation (En)

– The promotion and development of competitiveness clusters in France (En)

– The France-Israel Industrial R&D Cooperation Framework (FIRAD) (En)


– The French yellow pages (En)

-Kompass France


General (Fr) (Fr)
Economic (Fr) (Fr)

Trade Fairs: (En) (En)

Travel information: (Fr)

– Ile de France train portal (En)

– French railways portal (En)

– Paris air ports portal (En)


Want to study in France? contact us,  Campus World – overseas education consultants Kochi for France

Each year, almost 130,000 young people from all over the world come to France to study. They choose France to study. They choose France because of its high level of cultural and technological development, its modernity and also because of the quality of life France offers, the richness of its heritage, the French language and, especially, Frances reputation in the field of higher education.

Still today, France holds a prominent position in the field of math and sciences (mathematics, astrophysics, biology, medicine, genetics, physics) with such key figures as Georges CharpakPierre Gilles de Gennes and Luc Montagnier. Over the past ninety years, the French scientific community has been awarded twenty-six Nobel prizes. The French government finance 50% of scientific research. The large public research institutions (the National for Agronomical Research) admit many foreign students and high-level researchers each year.

  • Quality and Accessibility of its University System

French higher education has a long tradition of openness and accessibility. No distinction is made between French and international students-under French law, the requirements for admission are the same, as are the degrees awarded.

  • Quality of Frances cultural, economic, and social life

One big benefit of studying in France is the opportunity to live in the place that invented savoir-vivre-the art of living well. In France you’ll have access to a multitude of athletic, touristic, and cultural activities- all at special student prices, Most of Frances institutions of higher education are located in city centres, close to cultural and social life. Museums, libraries, cinemas, theatres, and cafes are rarely very far away.

Want to study in France? contact us,  Campus World – overseas education consultants Kochi for France

The Best Places to Study Abroad
frequently asked questions
Overseas Education Consultants In Kochi

The cost of studying in France is perhaps somewhere between 10000 -18000 EURO/Year, and the tuition fees may be somewhere between 1000 - 7000 EURO. International students can reduce their expenses by getting a scholarship. So check with your education consultants in Kerala for study in France

If you are an international student who wants to study in France, then as a first step to the procedure, you should take entrance exams like French language tests and GMAT/GRE (IELTS/TOEFL if required). Then write SOPs (Statement of Purpose) and ask for LORs( Letter of Recommendation). Then, apply online to the courses and colleges. Once you qualify for the tests and get your acceptance letters you can apply for a Student Visa and you are good to go.

If you are studying in France and you are worried about whether you can work or not while studying, the answer is yes, you can. You can work while studying in France, the French law allows international students to work part-time up to 964 hours in a year.

Students can apply for permanent residence visas if they have lived in France continuously for five or more years. It is always better to consult the study abroad consultants in Kerala for France, who will help you with the end-to-end PR visa application process.

Best Study Abroad Consultants In Kochi, Kerala
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