About Nursing
Nurses are ranked as the most honest, trusted, and ethical professionals. It is ranked highest among professions and will be in high demand for decades to come. If you are looking for a rewarding occupation and offers a lifetime of opportunities here is the right sector for you. Nursing is a career that significantly affects people’s lives – that helps save lives, serving individuals and their families through stressful situations like serious health challenges, witnessing a moment of birth, or the end of life. The support and solace offered during such a tough state of affairs is a most rewarding feeling and that makes it one of the most respected professions. Nursing offers a wide range of specialty areas to practice. You can work as a Registered Nurse, Clinical nurse, mental health nurse, Midwife, Assistant Nurse, Nurse
Educator, and researcher, Nurse Manager, Nurse practitioner, Public Health Nurse, Cruise ship Nurse, Personal wellness/illness rehab coach, Telehealth Nurse, Nursing consultant, Clinical nurse educator, etc. Employment opportunities in Nursing expand far beyond hospital walls and offer an extensive range of career mobility options.
- Adult Nursing
- Advanced Nursing Science
- Veterinary Nursing
- Primary & Community Care Nursing
- Midwifery
- Nursing & Health
- Children's Nursing
- Mental Health Nursing
- Learning Disabilities Nursing
- Research Nursing
- Public Health Practice
- Primary and Community Care